8 Ways To Participate In National Thank A Police Officer Day

My kids adore the police officers in our community, anytime we go anywhere they make sure to at least wave from a distance and absolutely love when they an officer gives them a tour of his vehicle.  You may have seen this post about a year ago of my kids on a Columbus Police Officer motorcycle. It was the highlight of the year for them, especially my son, who is firm in his stance that he wants to be a Police Officer when he grows up.

The third Saturday of September is National Thank a Police Officer Day and a perfect way to make sure our officers know we appreciate them. We try to make sure every Police Officer we see throughout the year knows how thankful we are for them but a dedicated day to share our appreciation is a perfect way to make sure of that.

hilliard police

I’ve decided to put together a list of fun, practical things you and your family can do to participate in Thank a Police Officer Day.  If you participate I’d love to see your photos - use #614mom on social media or tag me!

A special thanks to the Hilliard Police Officers and the Columbus Police Officers who are apart of keeping my family safe each and everyday. We love you!

  • Visit your police station to say Thank You.

  • Bake (or buy, like I did) a plate of cookies, muffins, or other bakery items and bring them to the Police Station.  You could also bring fruit, veggie tray, or a full meal - I would recommend coordinating with the Police Station before doing this.  

  • If you see a Police Officer out in the community, pick up their tab. It could be their lunch, coffee, or something else.  Just a simple act of appreciation can go a long way.

  • Have your kids make cards to show their appreciation. My son loved writing “Thanks for catching criminals” on his card along with a photo of a VERY tall Police Officer

  • Fly the Thin Blue Line flag at your home

  • On the home front, you can also change your porch light bulb out for a blue light bulb.

  • Send a nice note

  • Make a donation to the FOP or another organization dedicated to supporting our Officers.



LEGOLAND COLUMBUS Sneak Peek | 614 Mom | Columbus, OH


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