Dear Monday | July | 614 Mom


Dear Monday, 

It's crazy how fast the weeks have been flying by.  It seems like every Monday, I'm reminded that soon school will start and while I'm excited to see my two oldest kiddos off making new friends and enjoying school, I'm sad because time is just moving so fast.

This is our last summer before my oldest starts all day school, for years it's been half days and now she will go until after 3 pm.  I'm trying to soak up every moment while also balancing a teething baby.  I have so much guilt about this summer but I'm trying - really trying to do it all and I think at the end of the day, as long as I'm giving it my best, that's all I can do.  I have done a lot of research and it's nice to know that I am not alone, lots of moms with multiple children go through similar stages and it passes.  Even though I will miss my big kids, I'm looking forward to some quiet one on one time with my baby girl, and of course picking my big kids up and hearing all about their days.  

We are finding our new normal, and I've been somewhat drowning in keeping up with the kids, work, the house.  It's been hard.  I decided to admit defeat and call in the professionals.  I found a cleaning company that I am now obsessed with.    My baby girl who is 4 months old loves to be held, I am lucky if I'm able to set her down long enough to take a shower, let alone mop the floors or do the dishes. Pam and Kayla came into our home and turned it into our home again and I am so thankful.  If you are looking for a cleaning company - I highly recommend them. We laughed, joked around, and by the time they left I had made a few new friends and had a super clean home.  It was awesome. Call RealWorld Cleaning NOW and get on their schedule. You will not regret it. 

What I'm reading this week: Big Girl Pants: A Woman's Guide to Strutting toward the Life She Craves   - I didn't get to finish this last week, but it's SO good.  Highly recommend.  

What I'm watching: I don't think I will have much time for TV this week - but we recently added HBO so I'm sure I will find something good.  

Who I'm listening to: Georgica Pond

A New Adventure: We are hoping to take Little Adventures Cbus idea and head to the Peach farm for some yummy local peaches. 

New food we're trying: I'm making homemade salsa this week, as well as baby food for Elizabeth.  She will be trying sweet potatoes for the first time! 

This weeks goal: I am hoping to get Elizabeth on a better sleep schedule, so I can spend more time with my older two kiddos. 

Something I'm researching: I want to get the older two kiddos a tablet for Christmas - my daughter is really into coding and I want to give her the opportunity to explore this.   We will be getting them both a tablet because I just don't want to hear the fighting.  So I'm currently researching the best one for what we want/need. 


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