614 Mom Turns 1!!!
Wow! I can't believe it's been a year since I launched 614 Mom. 614 Mom was born out of a vision that I had of a universal place for the women and mothers of Columbus to come for inspiration on things to do with their kids, spouses, and by themselves. A place where the person running the show knew the struggles of schedules, lack of babysitters, the very important question "can my kids REALLY go there??" when picking a brunch spot, mom guilt, and so much more. 614 Mom is about every mom in Columbus, I have and continue to write about date nights, girls nights, favorite family photographers, what to do with our kiddos when we need to get out of the house but it's freezing outside, and SO MUCH MORE. I have had so much fun on this journey and I want to take a minute to thank every single one of you for following along, reading my posts, hitting the like button on social media, sending your supportive emails, and all of your loving comments. Some days are hard, I get hit with writers block and go on a social media hiatus occasionally but it's so amazing to have you all here to share this journey with.
To celebrate 614 Mom turning one, I am going to share some of my favorite parts of this first year. I am so excited for year two and the amazing content I have planned for you, and as always feel free to send me an email if there is ever anything you want to hear more of. I LOVE hearing from you!!
Celebrating You was 614 Mom's inaugural annual event, it turned out flawlessly and I was so excited to partner with so many amazing businesses to put it together. I am already working on a venue and fun things for next year, so stay tuned!! :) You can see more from the event here.